ChildLine Report

Digi and printed Childline reports and annual review 2012–2015. Read More

Superdrug and Childline

That was one of my first art direction and product development at the NSPCC and Childline back in 2011. I had the pleasure to design the badges and art direct this awesome project in partnership with Superdrug. The badges were aimed for teenage girls. The £1 donation went to the great Childline services. Read More

Pedal Push NSPCC

Another oldie and fun project at the NSPCC. Pedal Push was a fundraising event for toodlers which they ride on their bikes, scooters and trikes for vunerable children in the UK. Credits go to the awesome Kevin Yeates for being my art director and inspiration at the time and for the We are Captive team… Read More

Service Centres NSPCC

On these NSPCC Service Centres exercise booklets the brief was to redesign and tweak the existing materials. As the content of these booklets is very interactive I thought creating a scrap book/journal for the children. These are aimed for children aged 8-12 years-olds whose tough backgrounds and lives find great relief at the Service Services.… Read More